<<James chiede al suo amici: “Vuoi venire alla mia festa di compleanno, Peter?”

“Ne sarei lietissimo, James. Dove abiti?”chiede Peter.

“Al numero quindici di Dingle Road. Suona pure il campanello con il gomito”, risponde James.

“Perché dovrei suonare il campanello con il gomito”, vuole sapere Peter.

“Non vorrai venire a mani vuote, vero? Chiede James>>



<<James asked his friend, “Would you like to come to my birthday party on Sunday, Peter?”

“I’d love to, James. Where do you live? Asked Peter.

“Number fifteen, Dingle Road. Just push the bell with your elbow”, answered James.

“Why should I push the bell with my elbow?” Peter wanted to know.

“You are not coming empy-handed, re you?” said James>>



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