<<Un contadino sta facendo visitare a una scolaresca la sua fattoria, quando arrivano in un campo dove le mucche stanno pascolando.

“Quante mucche riuscite a contare?” Chiede il contadino ai bambini.

Uno di loro risponde velocemente: “Ottocentoventicinque”.

Il contadino resta a bocca aperta e dice: “E’ giustissimo, ragazzo. Come hai fatto a contarle cos’ in fretta?”.

“Facile – risponde il bambino, – ho contato le gambe e le ho divise per quattro”>>


<<A farmer was showing some school children round his farm, when they came to a field where his cows were grazing.

“How many cows do you reckon there are?” the farmer asked the children.

One of them answered very quickly, “Eight hundred and twenty-five”.

The farmer gaped and said, “That’s quite right, boy. How did you count them so quickly?”.

“Easy – the child answered, . I just counted the legs and divided them by four”>>



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