Humour 23 novembre 2019
<<Un flautista sta suonando nella giungla una musica Bellissima e tutti gli animali feroci escono incantati ad ascoltarlo. Dopo qualche tempo un leone passa da quelle parti, si avvicina al musicista e se lo mangia.
“Cosa hai fatto? – gli chiede il serpente boa – la sua musica era Bellissima.”
Il leone si mette la zampa accanto all’orecchio e chiede: “Cosa?”>>
<<A flute player was playing beautiful music in the jungle and all the wild animals came out enchanted to listen to him. After a while a lion passed by, approached the musician and ate him.
“What did you do? – asked a boa constrictor – his music was beautiful”.
The lion put his paw near its ear and asked: “What?”>>
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